Yoga is the stepping stone from where one starts the journey inwards

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Yoga is a spiritual discipline, based on a subtle focus of bringing harmony between mind and body. It is believed yoga started with the dawn of life, long before religions or belief systems were born. Practicing yoga with authenticity leads to union of individual consciousness with that of universal consciousness, creating beautiful harmony between mind and body.


Attachments and affection of the objects is illusion of ones mind. Oneness of being without any fragments of mind is taking you beyond.

It is the seer and not the sought, what real is.


"Tantra" is a beautiful practice of achieving oneness. It is a very sacred and precious practice and extremely difficult to express in words. It has the potential to take you to the height of meditation and give you the taste of ultimate bliss.


Introducing to you the path of ancient wisdom and knowledge of Indian sages and yogis – Ayurveda: The Science of Life. It is considered to be oldest healing science. It is a comprehensive system of natural health care that originated in the ancient Vedic times of India.


Here & Now

When you are present in Now, mystery of existence reveals by itself, you are the barrier between you and the bliss.

Strength of Now, recognize it and live in it.



Tantra is concerned with love. It is heart-to-heart talk, not mind to mind discussion. It is not a debate, it is a communioun. I am not concerned with my ego. I am concerned with you. I am not concerned to prove something to strengthen my ego. I am concerned to help you. It is a compassion to help you to grow and to help you to transform, to help you to be reborn. Remember, when you are deeply in love, your mind seizes to be. There is no pasts, only the present moment becomes everything

- Bhagwan

Yoga and Mindfulness

